
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Of God and me..

Posted by perle at 11:26
Was thinking the other day if I am one of those people who blame God if life takes a bad turn. The answer is: No, I am not. I reflected back on all the times when life threw really bitter lemons at me. And not once during those times did I curse God for making me miserable. I cursed my own self extensively, but never God. I prayed fervently to God, yes, but never held him responsible for the circumstances. I am not sure if this discovery with respect to blame-shifting during a crisis is anything that makes for a big epiphany in life, but it made me happy. It felt like one of those moments when you know you have matured, even if only by an inch. It was a growing-up moment for me. The ability to corner such a subjective thought and have a definitive Yes or No answer, really surprised me, because I am really not the kind of person who ponders over the kind of person I am. Surely, being able to know something like this, admittedly a minuscule fact, about myself makes me a little wiser in life.



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