
Monday, May 30, 2011

The Perfect Drug

Posted by perle at 00:07 4 comments
I have decided today to talk about my drinking patterns.
DISCLAIMER: I am a social drinker and not someone in need of an AA course, so save your sympathies for where they are actually required.
So me and a few friends experimented a little with alcohol when we were in college, but we were social retards considering the knowledge and expertise of the college-going population today and for that matter quite a few of my fellow collegians. So in college it essentially started in my 3rd year with a 60 ml (me thinks) bottle of white mischief which was shared between at least four to five people with tonnes of sprite. The first time I seriously got drunk (at least I thought so) was on I think 2 sips of the above mentioned drink on my birthday and I kept on crying after that. However I had to bunk the night at a relative's place, so when a friend echoed the concern I immediately became un-drunk. I am pretty sure I imagined getting drunk. The next time was a day before my college placements where I SERIOUSLY got drunk and came back to the hostel with a blasting headache and severe scolding from one of my best friends. On the day of the interview, the hangover had disappeared, but it didn't take away with it the fact that I had not prepared one BIT for the interview. Praise be the Lord, I was the last one to be interviewed and the interviewers were pretty bored and tired, so they didn't torture me all that much, and lo-behold, I got through and landed a job!! Finally I landed in Bombay, and gave my body and soul to everything that was alcohol. C'mon I had abstained for long enough and now I had the job and everything and best was I had the bloody money to buy whichever kind I wanted. So I started with Rum, which I dint like one bit. Then for a while it was Tequila Shots. But I was in no mood to be labelled a skank, so I switched to pretending to like Vodka. But Vodka made me do bad things, BAD THINGS. So I decided it was time to leave the wild ways behind and turned over to demurely sipping wine. Wine, I stuck to for a long long time. I think 2 years almost. But I was bored of it and hated the fact that bottoms-up with wine was not the COOL thing to do. So I searched and wandered waiting for the perfect thing to come my way. Then it happened. I was reading the reviews for the recently re-opened ESCOBAR in Bandra and I chanced upon someone saying that they had the best Whiskey Sours. So I went there with the girlfriends one Saturday evening and ordered one Whiskey Sour....and that was it. I haven't looked back ever since. I actually found something with alcohol, that was yummy and tasty. I had something that I could drink just for the taste of it and not for the purpose of getting high. But it is not a very very common cocktail like a Bloody Mary or an LIT, so because and ONLY BECAUSE, at a few places my beloved cocktail is unavailable, I have developed a casual affair with the Cosmopolitan. Of course the Whiskey Sour and I have a passionate and committed relationship, and it does not mind my occasional rendezvous with the Cosmopolitan. So thats my history.
Statutory Warning: Consumption of alcohol can be injurious to your health.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happiness is a Warm Blanket

Posted by perle at 17:20 2 comments
So here I am. Living as a "housewife" in an absolutely new city. "Absolutely" here refers to the absolutely absolute. I literally had no friends (okay, okay, perhaps one) when I moved here and I had not given this whole shift a moment's thought, till I landed here, when I went "O'Oh".
Your old city is always like a warm blanket, cozy with the familiarity of friends, places, food, activities. So even though you may feel an odd chill or two, with the old city you are always wrapped in a soft warm blanket feeling all balmy and lovely. Then a day comes when you intentionally trash the blanket and try to be adventurous and decide to sleep somewhere cold with nothing but a few threadbare sheets. The result, dear reader, is hypothermia!
So you get it right, my symbolism? Hypothermia being homesickness?
Err...the point of this post was to familiarize you all with my state for the first couple of weeks after moving here, I was MISERABLE. But CC has been very nice to me, even when I lost it completely, he most often than not, let me rave around and feel really sad.
But then I started meeting new people and realized Hey! I am in this new place, meeting new people, doing new things (food remains a sore point though), so I better start treating this as the adventure it was supposed to be.
So yea, I will be fine and you needn't worry (if were not worried after reading this post, you just have a stone cold heart! ).
That's all for now and I sincerely hope that I will be writing much more than the current sorry state of affairs.


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