
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Girl look at that body!

Posted by perle at 15:29
I really want to be the kind of person LMFAO sings of in Sexy and I know it. I try hard..really hard to lose weight, but woe is me! I will have a healthy breakfast of cereal and milk, then an even healthier lunch consisting of a salad, I move on to an energy bar and a fruit in the evening..but come nightfall I transform into a binge eating monster uncontrollably devouring chocolates, oreos and aloo bhujiya. By the time I hit the pillow, I am drowning in guilt. But the next day, the same vicious circle is repeated. What do I do...I love, crave and absolutely fanatically adore food. It is near impossible for me to not eat something that is edible. I am a vegetarian and I stay in Hong Kong, but that has in no way stopped me from going into all and sundry restaurants and eating all and sundry foods. The only good thing is that I am maintaining a constant weight, since I do exercise thrice a week. But *much sobbing and wailing* when o'when will I hear people pointing at me and saying "Girl look at that body!" Yeah..never! I know that! So stop sneering at my superficial-ness.



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