
Friday, September 18, 2009

We had joy We had fun We had seasons in the sun..

Posted by perle at 03:25
The title to this post is inspired by a friend's gtalk status and the song ofcourse. I also happen to be chatting with the same friend while typing this. She mentions a school friend who recently got married and didn't invite anyone of us for the same. For some reason this news terribly pissed me off. Please don't mistake me for a compulsive obsessive freak who tracks the ongoings in the lives of school mates and feels left out if not involved in any of the relevant celebrations, it just so happens that this particular school mate was at one point of time a very close friend of mine.You see, we had this group of seven friends in school and we all were REALLY thick and went by a particular name (which I am not at liberty to disclose lest I be stoned to death by the other ex-group members) so lets just call it SS. We were constantly together and had a whale of a time. Unfortunately for the non-SS members and fortunately for us (obviously!) most of us SS members were prefects of our school as well and we went around terrorising all non-SS members (especially the ones who had dared to cross swords with any of us). We watched our first "adult"(if you put "eyes wide shut" in that category) flick together, we had our first crushes together, first nightouts together and everything that's a first when you are 16-17. Each of us was in-on the rest six's best kept secrets. And what days were those!
Then we passed out from school and everyone went their owns ways. But somehow or the other atleast 3 of us have managed to keep in touch with each other. The rest have just simply disappered. Honestly, I did try to keep in touch, even if only initially, with my disappearing friends, but they never responded with the same enthusiasm and then I too got busy with my heady college life and the school friends were very conveniently replaced with college friends.
To think of it now, its just amazing how little involved or rather how completely disconnected you become from a person's life over a period of time even though you had intimately shared a portion of your life with that person. When GN (the friend that I was chatting to) told me that this particular friend got married, my first reaction was "Oh..well..whatever". Imagine. Imagine!! So close we were at some point of time...and so much we had shared and all of that is now poof in the air..because...I really don't know the "because" as every reason that I can come up with sounds extremely trite to my ownself.
I guess the seasons we had shared in the sun, as West Life rightly put it, like the wine and the song, have all gone.


G on September 18, 2009 at 5:46 AM said...

Haina?That's exactly what happens,once BFF become ta-ta forever!Such is life.Tsk tsk!
What did you Secret Seven call yourselves by the way ;)?

perle on September 18, 2009 at 2:44 PM said...
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perle on September 18, 2009 at 2:44 PM said...
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perle on September 18, 2009 at 2:44 PM said...

no can't tell!!

Anonymous said...

GR & SM have read ur blogs!!!!! happy? ONE MORE !!! ONE MOre

Anonymous said...

yo s !!!!! this blog took me down the memory lane brought bck those nostalgic moments of yestr yrs.. how much i crave for those yrs n frnds too..i knw the gangs no more intact bt nevr the less..we'll carry forward the flag..remembr our secret oath..we still rock !!! hey i had told u abt this wedng n remembr we actually tried hard to cum up wid a reason as to y r they doing this to us ????? infact we now need to make a new grp which has frnd ditchd by frnds lol... cant we grow n move ahead in life still keepng our close frnds ( as u'v put ...wid whom we actually shared a portion of our lives)i thnk we cant unless they want the same.. god !! i'v got emotional...okkkk.. THEIR LOSS :)

perle on September 21, 2009 at 1:56 PM said...


sk said...

okk ur advice takn seriously.this anonymous is meee SK....ha ha writing my own name in code language gives i'm on some mission..n we'r sharng informations ( gossips )which our enemies shld not knw ( people we gossip abt else they'll kill us ) wow..okkk just a bit imaginative :)


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