
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Of God and me..

Posted by perle at 11:26 0 comments
Was thinking the other day if I am one of those people who blame God if life takes a bad turn. The answer is: No, I am not. I reflected back on all the times when life threw really bitter lemons at me. And not once during those times did I curse God for making me miserable. I cursed my own self extensively, but never God. I prayed fervently to God, yes, but never held him responsible for the circumstances. I am not sure if this discovery with respect to blame-shifting during a crisis is anything that makes for a big epiphany in life, but it made me happy. It felt like one of those moments when you know you have matured, even if only by an inch. It was a growing-up moment for me. The ability to corner such a subjective thought and have a definitive Yes or No answer, really surprised me, because I am really not the kind of person who ponders over the kind of person I am. Surely, being able to know something like this, admittedly a minuscule fact, about myself makes me a little wiser in life.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Food and the Likes

Posted by perle at 12:10 0 comments
Oh how I have missed good food this past few months. I have been a student before, but I never craved a half decent meal ever before like this. Penny pinching and an excess of pizza and sandwiches have deadened my taste buds. Today, after what seems like a gazillion years I got to eat a really nice home cooked meal and I just cant stop dreaming about it...what has my life come to :(

Thursday, October 4, 2012

This is not my Life...

Posted by perle at 08:55 0 comments
That's the mantra that I keep chanting to myself these days. I never thought that going back to student life will be so so stressful. My hopes of fun and games came crashing down this August, when I took up a full Masters course. I have never before wished for the day to have more than 24 hours. All my time is spent in trying to catch up with my readings for the classes, assignments, projects and squeezing in some sleep between all this. These are really trying times for me. And when it becomes too much I just tell myself "This is not my life...this is just a year, which will pass away (the sooner the better)". I want to hunt down every person who told me that "LL.M is so fun" "NYC is awesome" and strangle them. All lies. NYC is NOT awesome and Masters is really really tough. 
Waiting for my actual life to begin!

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