Its been a long long time. As usual the resolution to write more regularly sank without a trace when faced with the other forces of my life. So what is happening with my life? Nothing much, except I have been spending inordinately large amounts of time checking out different Indian fashion blogs and other photo blogs. Pictures maketh any blog a trillion times more interesting. And to my amazement some of the blogs that I have been reading have blown my mind away. For example I look forward to new posts on and, to name a few and these blogs have inspired me to no end. I love clothes and am crazy about dressing up, as per the occasion. And I love mixing and matching too, but only to a safe extent. Also staying in Hong Kong, which essentially is just one big mall, for the last year has done something to me. I have never been more conscious of what I am wearing and sometimes who am I wearing. I plan to buy a camera and do a few outfit posts myself. But then again that is just one of the things that I plan to do, so lets see if I actually get around doing it. Till then...enjoy the weekend!